Thursday, February 20, 2014

i can see the green light

the green light hits me right in the eyes and i know that i want to be young forever
i'll be poor and naive, and everything will be alright because having the answers to everything is scary
i want to make my mistakes now and never have to worry about hurting the family i'll one day have
i want to be at the top of the world, with ready bones and that need for adrenaline like race cars in your veins

just stop time, okay?
just give me a little more oxygen and add a day to my life expectancy please
i need the dark midnight hours of staring blankly at a television screen
i need the reckless abandonment
i need to waste my time for just a little longer
i need to live fast and die young

Tuesday, February 4, 2014


I'm doing this thing where I think I'm still part of the creative writing class, oops.

You gotta stay true to your roots, or else the sun will dry you out when it's shining so bright. I built a bridge and burned it, but I don't think I ever crossed it the way I cross my fingers when I wish for luck, more like I crossed it the way I cross my fingers when I'm lying straight to your face. Pump me up with caffeine, don't you know that I'm a starving college student now?

I mean, my brains starving. My brains been starving, and I'm trying to give it sustenance but it still drifts off on a raft and ignores the rope I throw it, but it's searching for that beautiful island and the faster way to India.

Stitch the cuts up neatly, ain't no one's right to open up old wounds better left where the rats found it. Stitch the cuts up neatly, and maybe then I'll stop opening up my chest like it's a refrigerator and start burying it deep in the ground where X marks the spot like old legends of treasure you wouldn't believe existed.

To you with that big brain, and those purple shoes, to the guy who ran past me all chipper this afternoon when it was 5 degrees outside, to you with the brown hair and the big heart of gold, to the janitors in my apartment building.
